Saturday 9 April 2011

A Morning With Ethan & Me

Our usual morning routine is as follows:

We wake up at about 6h45 and get the boys up for school. Ethie usually sleeps a bit longer until about 9h00 or so but recently have been getting up early with all of us. I get their breakfast ready and pack lunches in quite a hurry.  They need their morning tea / coffee in their travel mugs for on the way to work and school.  So, at about 7h30 they leave and that's the morning rush over. 

I then sneak back upstairs if Ethie is still asleep and get back under the covers until he wakes up and 1 1/2 later.  This is absolute bliss lately as it is getting really cool now and you can feel the autumn crispness in the air.  I absolutely love the change of season and watching nature slowly waking up each morning.  It only gets light now at about 7h00 and we have daylight saving now since Sunday - which means we gained an hour.  It's dark by 18h30 and we suddenly seem to get to bed a bit earlier too.

Anyway, when we wake up we get into our normal routine of making the beds and neating up all the rooms upstairs.  We then stay in our pj's (cause it's so cold) and head downstairs for Ethie's morning cartoons and breakfast.  We usually just have some cereal but the soul feels so good after a steaming bowl of oats.  Over the years I also got into the routing of giving the boys a nice warm bowl of porridge or oats to warm up their little bodies for the morning ahead in winter time.

Ethie enjoying his morning cartoons: Thomas the Train, Timmy Time, Rory the Racing Car, Barney & Friends.

And a beautiful smile for mom.

Warm oats with milk, butter & sugar - YUMMY!!

Looks like he really enjoys it, oats on the chin...

Eating out of Ouma's special Winnie-the-Pooh bowl from Dubai.

Time for mommy to have her breakfast too - delish!!

After breakfast it's time to clean-up the kitchen and for Ethie to get back to watching his cartoons. 

Depending on which day it is I usually have chores planned or a to-do list.  Washing is always takes priority as we are a family of 5 and you can only imagine how much washing that is.  Mondays is my main day and then I do some form of cleaning on other days. 

The best thing of this kitchen of mine is the way the sun creeps in and warms up my day. 
I just love, love, love it!!

The diningroom gets a bit of a warm up too.

We get dressed and then go for a walk on most days.  Ethie loves this we chat all the way, and sing songs and just enjoy the warm sun on us and most of all being together.

And off course there is no time to walk, so much to do and see when you are just three years old!!

How I love these special mornings with my smallest of boys.  All the little things we share and discover together.  I just wish I could keep him like this forever.  When I look at Dylan & Jason I can't understand where the time  has gone and how we need to treasure and capture all these heartbeat moments...

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