Monday 25 April 2011

Goodbye Ouma

On the 15th April we were told that my dearest Granny's life was nearing the end.  Although we know time does not stand still, the news still came as an immense shock.  As we are far away we knew we couldn't go say goodbye and be with her. 

Guess I will always carry that guilt with me... I never said goodbye.  She was so far away for a few years but we still kept in contact.  I always had a special bond with her and will always hold her in my heart.

My dearest Granny, Johanna Hendrina Richards, passed away peacefully and quietly at 15:48 on  Friday, 15th April 2010. 

I know that she is dancing and singing with the angels in heaven!!!!  She is one of God's most precious daughters and finally home...  I will always remember her and miss her dearly.

Goodbye my sweet darling Ouma...

Johanna Hendrina Richards
28 September 1922 - 15 April 2011

Sunday 17 April 2011


On Thursday the boys got a big surprise in the post!!!  Off course daddy and mommy knew about it and couldn't wait to see their faces...  After all the changes and uncertainty in their little lives over the past year, we thought they needed a real treat.

Only Ethie and I was home to receive it and obviously our curiosity got the better of us.  Ethie was so excited and couldn't wait for Dyl and Jas to get home.

So, what better than a ...

Little boy soooo excited...

and mamma too...

Little fingers trying hard.


One more happy smile for mom!!!

Busy making my little smurf's first strawberry ripple milkshake - YUM!!

Happy little boy enjoying his calcium fix for the day.

As one can imagine, many more milkshakes have been made over the past few days by this mamma for all her boys - big and small.  A treat on a warm autumn day and after a long day at school.  Now they surely won't refuse a glass of milk ever!!!!!!

We will be experimenting much more in the holidays that are now upon us and will soon find each one's own favourite mix and flavour no doubt.


Thursday 14 April 2011

Early autumn stroll...

On Sunday we decided to go for a lovely walk.  The weather is really nice and mild now with a real cool breeze.  And not just that we need the excercise too!!!  We have decide to go for regular walks now as both Graham and I need to shape up and lose a bit of weight. And what better way to spend with the family, walking and chatting about all kinds of stuff.

Dylan was away on his Rugby tour in Rotorua, so Graham, Jas, Ethie and I went for a long walk down past the Marina and to the slipway.  The batteries went flat as we were on our way so I will get some nice pics of that next time.  Here are some of our early autumn pics.  Oh, what a lovely morning we had indeed... me and my boys.

We're on our way...
Autumn... leaves starting to change colour - I LOVE IT!!!
The road below us leading to the Marina.
A bit of the neighbourhood - lot of young trees.
Walking hand in hand with Daddy...
The one side of the Marina with Gazebo and Clock Tower.
Jas doing his statue pose...
Looking down the channel of the Marina.  Lovely Restaurants (5) on the left side.
The Clock Tower with 3 bells.
Happy boys.
Maybe Graham was daydreaming a bit too much, some of the lovely boats.
Another angle.
Ooh, I loooovvveee lavender!!!
Autumn leaves.
Bee on Lavender.  What a sight!!!
My angel boy.
My love.
There are lots and lots of ducks in NZ!!!!
Walking along the river.
My sweet boys exploring.
I just love him so much.

What a gorgeous place we live in!!!  In my heart I know how blessed we are to be living in this beautiful place.  God has been so amazing and true in his promises to us!!!  I'm sure we will fit in many more of these special times together during the next few weeks...

Sunday 10 April 2011

Baking at home

After spending a lovely morning with Graham and Ethie at the Plant Barn looking for veggies to plant, having a cinnamon doughnut for breakfast and browsing through a few shops, we decided to relax for the rest of the day.  We visited the local pet shop and almost came home with an adorable puppy.  We bought some fresh fruit and veggies and then decided to go home.  Lunch was tiger bread, shaved ham and dijonaise. Very lazy and while I was fideling on my blog, I got the urge to bake a chocolate cake. 

This is the easiest cake ever and takes literally 5 minutes to make.  As usual I had company in the kitchen and volunteers for baking.  Voluteering more to eat than to bake if you ask me!!!!  No one volunteerd with the cleaning though, somehow I always fall for their little chocolate covered smiles...  But these are the fun times I want to remember.

The ingredients.



Volunteer 1 & 2 getting started.

Get the mixing going with the sugar added.

Everything is in. Ethie making sure.

The taste test.

Mama making sure it is all mixed well and adding the chocolate touch, Ethie still tasting.

Good mixing is the key - 5 whole minutes.

All into cake pans.

And into the oven they go!!!!!

Making the chocolate icing...

The End Product.

Delish!!! Everyone said so... 

Here is this easy peasy recipe, do try it.


160g margarine
1 1/2 cups sugar
3 cups flour
4 eggs
4 tspn baking powder
1 cup milk
2 tspn vanilla essence

1. Add all ingredients together in a mixing bowl and mix well for 5 minutes.
2. Pour into prepared cake tins.
3. Bake @ 180 degrees for 35 minutes.
4. Ice as desired.

Variations:  Chocolate Cake - Add 50ml cocoa
                   Orange Cake - rind and juice of 1 orange

Try it!!!!!!

Objects of my affection

There are a few belongings of mine that are so close to my heart and that I will never want to part with. 

They give me joy and somehow most of them have really special memories or was a very special gift.  I have soooo many to share but I will choose just a few favourites...

Little corner in our lounge with the vintage leather suitcase, got this at an auction.
It is home to most of my boys reading books and they often huddle on the couch with a book.

Wedding photo's of Letitia and me.  I bought the heart in Dubai.

My little Arabian family (Babuschka's), a gift from my sister.

Camel Box - also a gift.

And their home is in our guest toilet window sill.

This little bowl is handmade and also from Dubai.

My most precious recently received gift - from my best friend Adele in the UK -
whom I love and miss dearly... and the inspiration for my blog.

Wall of Hearts.
The Live one with red heart I got from Graham on my first kiwi birthday and signifies our new life.

A corner in my kitchen.

Some of my absolute favourite recipe books.
The Mmmmmmm... Baking one is the best and was a gift from my mother-in-law for Christmas last year.

Another corner next to my stove.

Happiness is LOVE!!!!

Our very special first wedding gift - the blue glass bowl!!!
The cloth is from Dubai.

Oh, how I love these things...