Sunday 24 June 2012

School trip to Butterfly Creek

Ethan's kindy, Christopher & Robin, had a day trip to Butterfly Creek in Auckland.  There is a huge butterfly house, with creepy crawlies and crocs, also a farm yard with animals to pet & feed. And to top it of a train ride and huge playground. 

All the four year old boys & girls got to go and also some parents.  I decided to take a day leave from work to have some special time with my boy.  Every teacher & mom had 2 children to supervise and take care off for the day.
Ethan, James and I had a lot of fun and oh boy what a lot of energy these two had!!!! 
Ethan & James all excited on the bus, ready to leave!!  All bums on the seats!!! 
And there we go!!! 
Ethie & me. 
My blue eyed boy!! 
Smile for mommy!! 
Time for morning tea!!!  Yes, Ethan was enjoying this trip!!!
Getting everyone together. 
Time to get all the lunchboxes out. 
Y U M M O ! !
Chatting about where to go next... 
How cute are these baby bunnies!! 
Ethan loving his bunny to bits!! 
Piggies in the mud. 
Heaps & heaps of Butterflies!!! 
There were two massive crocs too!!! Not much action from them though. 
Having a train ride!!!  Boys getting tired. 
Pam, their teacher, enjoying the train ride too.
So ry die trein, so ry die trein!!! 
Finally, how can there be a farm yard without a tractor to play on,
the kids had heaps of fun on this old tractor.

This was such a fun day, and at every opportunity I will volunteer to go with on the outings.
The bus ride back was very quiet because of many sleeping four year olds and very tired teachers & moms. 

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