Sunday 10 June 2012

Ethan is 4!!!!

These birthdays are so special... just because he is starting to really enjoy all the fuss around him!!

He literally opened his eyes and already unwrapping the first prezzie!!!  We just love the whole family rittual of singing to the birthday boy to wake them up and having all the prezzies spread around them, ready to be opened.  It is all about them and nothing else, one special day to be spoilt and fussed over.  These birthday just seem to come way to quickly.  Just can't believe our little boy is 4!!!!
Just look at the beatiful smile, eyes just opened!!!
Seriously looking at the cards this year too.
One of the toys he really wanted.
Birthday treats for everyone!!
Ethan chose this cake, all different flavours of icecream.  This was real yummy and everyone could choose what they liked.
Finger licking good!!!  One thing about having birthdays in the summer time.
Oupa & Ouma was here to celebrate with us too.
One happy & tired little 4 year old!!!

H A P P Y   B I R T H D A Y   E T H A N!!
We love you!!!

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