Sunday 10 June 2012

Dylan's birthday!!

This year Dylan didn't want anything else but an IPod.  He didn't want a party and no special birthday cake either.  This is when I realise that he's a teenager now and some things just don't seem so important anymore.  It's more about having cool stuff than celebrating with your mates at this stage.  I'm sure by the next birthday he will want the party again but this is all he wanted for now.  And oh boy, he had the biggest smile all day long.  In the end we did convince him to go for a eat out and a movie at Imax on the weekend.  This was such a fun night, my parents went with us and we had such a good time.  Unfortunately forgot the camera at home, so no pics.
He could barely open his eys!!!
Getting stuck in to opening his prezzies.  Ethan waiting patiently.
Getting to the real present now...
Oh Yes, see what I meant, the biggest smile!!! Such a happy boy!!
Wow, Dad this is really a surprize!!
The boys...
Wow, his eys was so small, but we had to have a birthday boy pic!!!

We love you heaps.

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