Tuesday 3 May 2011

A Treat for Mum

Since it is Mothers Day on Sunday, I thought it a good idea to make something for my mum as a treat. 

We always tend to run to the shops to buy something special.

Be different this year and why not try out this really simple and fun gift idea!!!!  You can make it yourself it's just soooo easy.

My mum sure will love it.

Homemade Body Scrub

Slough off dry winter skin with invigorating homemade body scrub.  It's so easy, all-natural, and so inexpensive, you'll want to make enough for yourself too.

Tools & Materials:
  • Body Oil
  • Epsom Salt / Sea Salt / Organic Cane Sugar
  • 12 oz PET jar with a cap
  • Lemon Zest


  1. Combine 1 cup of body oil with 2 cups of salt / sugar (your choice).
  2. Add lemon zest for colour and fragrance - try lavender flowers/ rose petals.

Tip:  Package in plastic jars as it is safest by the tub!!!

Have fun with this!!!!!!!

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