Wednesday 11 May 2011

A new chapter

Yes, so tomorrow I have my first day at my new job.  I have been so blessed to spend almost 2 1/2 years at home with my littlest boy, Ethan.  I have so many mixed feelings that I find it hard to put into words.

This is an end to a very special chapter in my life.  A very special time spent with my boys being a stay at home mum and being there for them 24/7.  No more little sleep-ins with my baby boy, lounging around in our pj's, watching cartoons or movies (his favourite Madagascar 2) and just doing whatever we feel like...  Sitting outside in the sun with him, hanging my washing out in the sun or just getting the post out the letterbox and most of all going for our walks to the park.  No more snuggles and special little rituals while everyone is at work or school.  No more being there for his every need and to kiss each little hurt as it happens...  BUT now we have weekends to spend extra special time together. 

How I will miss Jas and Dyl getting home after school and sharing their school life with me as they settle down after a long school day.  Now, they are becoming these independant young men with a working mother leaving home early and getting home late.  Like I said, now weekends will become just so much more special - OUR TIME.

I will miss so much of what I shared with them but I am so grateful and blessed for what I have been able to share with them in this time.

This is a new beginning for me to explore and challenge myself.  A new beginning to invest in me. 

It is also a new beginning for Ethie starting in Kindy, and boy, he loved me taking him there these two days, just to test this new experience and to let him settle in.  I have found him a loving little haven where he can grow and explore every day!!!!  I am so excited and eager to see his face at the end of the day and hug him in my arms and take in his smell.

I am nervous, unsure, scared and most of all sad.  But at the same time I am excited and happy about all the possibilities that lay ahead and all the new adventures I will experience with my loved ones in the year ahead.

Be still my heart and just breathe... who you are is enough!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Lisa firstly i am so excited that you got that job... and secondly i am so excited for this time to invest in yourself! You are going to love work, love the social aspect and love being the independant woman you are (not to mention the extra money you can spend on your home).
    I can hear your heart about leaving Ethie and not being at home for the boys straight after school BUT just know you are such an awesome mom that your worries are nothing to be scared of!!
    Enjoy it my friend - please let me know how it goes and remember - you are an awesome mom!!!
    Love you lots, Cands.
