Tuesday 24 May 2011

My special birthday surprise

I got such a lovely surprise coming home last Saturday, on our doormat, there was a huge envelope and a parcel addressed to me!!! And I knew right away who it came from... my bestest friend ever, Adele.  We have know each other since we were 10 and is still each other's best friend.

This was inside the big envelope - a beautiful hand drawn heart with our initials, 2 birds and then 3 tinier birdies for our 3 boys.  She is a graphic designer and made this specially for me.  Now I just can't wait to buy a special frame for it.  It is so nice to know that I am so loved by my special friend.

She also gave met this beautiful birthday card and a leadglass blue heart!!!  I am not sure if she mad it or not.  It is soo beautiful and makes me smile whenever I look at it.

This is the gorgeous carrot cake, my fav, my mum bought me for my birthday from the French Bakehouse.  It was absolutely delish and such a treat.  I love you Mom!!!!

And yes there was more cake, choc mud cake and a blueberry strudel.  All yummy and the boys insisted we have a party!!!

I was so spoilt on my birthday.  The boys took their pocket money to buy me some lovely smellies for the bath, they know what their mama loves.  The best gift of all was being with my husband and our boys.  All of us together through another year, a happy, healthy, exciting and adventurous but mostly blessed year.  I thank God for keeping us safe, together and giving us our new life.  I am so grateful for each one of them and off what they mean in my life.  I also got to spend the evening with my parents and that warms my heart knowing we have spent another year with each other.

My three favourite things at the moment...


  1. Happy birthday my friend - so glad you were spoilt and had a lovely time! LOVE your hearts - so pretty!!

  2. Ai Lies, I jsut saw this, it made my cry a little bit. No I did'nt make the blue heart, but it's pure Bristol Blue Glass, from their factory. I wish I could have been there for you birthday, perhaps for your naughty forties :)
