Tuesday 28 August 2012


I've been having one of the best days ever...  got amazing news this morning and had a generally good day at work.

Just feeling good and sooooo excited.  Last week Graham surprised me with my own kitten.  He took me out to lunch and let me choose any cat I want. 

We found this adorable ginger kitten.  His name is Brule (like creme brule, the pudding), he is four months old and the cutest little thing.  He's settled right in with our family and it feels like we've had him forever!!!  I've been waiting for so long to get a cat, somehow it just makes our home feel complete.  I will put some photies of him on soon!!!

I have some more news to share... but that will have to wait until tomorrow!!!!

Just need to finish cleaning my house now and get into a warm bath...

1 comment:

  1. ooooh a kitten - lovely!!!
    Cant wait to hear your other good news... i am waiting in anticipation!
