Tuesday 28 August 2012


I've been having one of the best days ever...  got amazing news this morning and had a generally good day at work.

Just feeling good and sooooo excited.  Last week Graham surprised me with my own kitten.  He took me out to lunch and let me choose any cat I want. 

We found this adorable ginger kitten.  His name is Brule (like creme brule, the pudding), he is four months old and the cutest little thing.  He's settled right in with our family and it feels like we've had him forever!!!  I've been waiting for so long to get a cat, somehow it just makes our home feel complete.  I will put some photies of him on soon!!!

I have some more news to share... but that will have to wait until tomorrow!!!!

Just need to finish cleaning my house now and get into a warm bath...

Tuesday 14 August 2012

Tish & Yan

My beautiful sis and husband came for a three and a half week visit!!!
It was so absolutely amazing, just so hard to believe they are gone.  They are now living in France and it's terribly to think they are so far away.  I am missing them heaps and heaps.

We have a goal to now save to go and visit them!!!!!
Lots of photo's to follow of our wonderful holiday with them.

Something red for my kitchen..

Well, I love red and that's why I decided to add some splashes of it to my kitchen...
 and with me loving anything retro and old fashioned, and that's the theme I want to carry

With having a totally white kitchen it gave me the perfect canvas to add a lot of red!!!

This was a pressie from my mom & dad.
My mom and sis are some of the few people that love coffee as much as I do!!!  
But I must be honest Tish just adores it!!!

And the perfect spot for it...

We just fell in love with these retro bar stools.  One for the boys each!!!
This makes weekday breakfasts just so much easier and more sociable...
now I have extra time to chat to my boys while we get ready in the morning!!!

I just L O V E my kitchen.

Time to relax...

What more can I say? 
I love you babes!!

Sunday 12 August 2012

Voila, it's finished!!!!!

Phew, after a long wait our lounge is almost exactly as we want it.
A few more final touches and it will be perfect.

Wednesday 1 August 2012

Getting there... happy babes

Our lounge is getting closer and closer to being finished now. 
The lounge suite is in and we have assembled the tv stand.  The coffee table will be here soon...
 We obviously need to finish off our lounge, and what better than a new flatscreen tv. 
Graham has eyed this Sony 60" LED for a while...  and finally he's got it!!!! One very happy man!!!!
 The boys were stunned and couldn't wait to get watching movies, especially in 3D.
 Graham & Jason busy opening the tv with much excitement.
The tv stand and coffee table is made from recycled wood.  We just fell in love with it when we layed our eyes on it.  Now, to get the tv into place and we can start enjoying it all.

It's here...

 Yes, our lounge suite is finally here... and lots of it!!!!!
Even Ethie is dissapearing between it all.
 Time to unwrap it all, the fun part.
 We're getting there.  Hope this lounge will be big enough.
 Graham very busy with assembly.  Finally, enough seats for everyone... 9 of them.
Ethan busy with quality control... bliss!!! He claimed this as his seat.
We are so happy, and it looks even better than it did instore.

The big cleanup

Our new lounge furniture will be arriving soon.  So, we decided to have a decent cleanup, we jik-ed the floors, scrubbed on our hands and knees.  And the final result was stunning.
 The lounge looking huge and very empty. But not for long!!!!
 All white and clean.
Now, we are soooooo excited!!!!!! 
Still to finish the kitchen and diningroom and it will all be perfect.

Time to go...

With a bit of sadness we had to finally pack up and load our old lounge suite.  This was lovingly passed on to us from Dad and Mom after they also used it when they arrived in NZ.  We greatfully received it and after much use it is now time after almost two years to make this house our home... time for a bit of redecorating.
 Graham & Dylan busy loading the old lounge suite.
Finally ready to go to storage, two trips to get it all there.
Goodbye, old friends.

Nap Time

My sweet boy having a nap after a busy day... under ouma's special blankie.

Granny's birthday

We all got together in Hamilton to celebrate Granny's birthday.  This was a very special day and we loved sharing it with her.  We bought her this amazing white mohair beanie for her winter here, she just loved it!!!
It was a lovely get together and we ate heaps of cake.
Afterwards we all went to the park to play a bit of cricket and for Ethan to have some fun.

A quick game of cricket... lots of fun!
We had such a fun day!!

Our lounge before...