Saturday 3 November 2012

Fun on the Beach

We enjoyed driving on Muriway Beach and exploring a bit.
In NZ you can still drive on the beaches, not like SA where it is not allowed.

My dad took this photo.  Jason peeping out.

Graham enjoying his car.

Dyl, Jas and Ethie in the back looking a bit tired and very hungry.
Time for a picnic braai.

Lekker by die see, met 'n tjoppie in die hand. 

Dylan enjoying his food.

We had a great day out in the fresh air, always makes me happy to see my family having fun.

Thank you Nigella!!

Thanks to Nigella, one of my fav foodies, I baked some banana bread this afternoon.  And it took a few minutes to get everything mixed up... literally a busy womans banana cake just like the recipe claims.

Getting it all mixed up.

My fav bit mashing up the very ripe bananas.

Getting the loaf tins ready, also lined.

Ready to go into the oven.

The finished result... perfect and the house smells like heaven!!!!!
Perfect with a hot cuppa on a rainy afernoon.

Our Cat

Brule is just the sweetest cat you'll ever find...

anything for a cuddle and a nap...

and then he's off again... time to play...

He just makes our home feel more like home.  
Especially when he comes to greet us all purring and happy!!!!

Dinner with friends...

My very special friend Adele and her partner Jan came to visit us a few weeks ago.  It was a very special time to catch up where we left off about 5 years ago.  On their last night, they took us out to dinner at a Japanese Steakhouse, Daikoku.  It was amazing, the food was great and we had such a good time.  Miss her now...

On our way to meet them we saw this gorgeous rainbow... 

Thought of Cands when we saw this, Graham reminded me to take a photo...

thanks babes...

Just because you always knows just what I need... 

I love you heaps X