Thursday 7 July 2011

Today I got the phone call that all mom's dread to hear. 

The school nurse phoned saying Dylan had an accident at school. 

He was playing basketball with his friends and a tooth got knocke out during the game!!!!!  I was okay untill I hear that he needed to get to a dentist ASAP... 

Being at work it was horrible knowing my son was hurt and needed me there.  I managed to get away and we met him at the dentist.  The nurse made all the arrangements for the dentist to get him in as soon as possible.  

His bottom K9 tooth was almost knocked out totally and barely attached.  The dentist told us that he will put stints in to support the tooth but the nerve might die off and then he will have to have a root canal to remove the dead nerve.  No very good news!!!

So he is doped up on painkillers and antibiotics and we are praying that his tooth will heal totally!!!!

A swollen swore mouth is no pleasant way to end off a day at school.  The final blow was hearing from his father that he can not play rugby for the rest of the term.

Oh, why do these things happen?  Does it really make them stronger in the end or does his heart break knowing he can't play his beloved sport.   Seeing the dissapointment in his eyes just breaks my heart...

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness... i can totally imagine the panic of hearing this news!!
    Lisa please send the boys our love and let DYL know we are thinking about him lots and lots!!!
