Friday 17 June 2011

rain on the window

I am sitting here all warm and cosy in our home listening to the pitter, patter of rain on the window!!!  We are just loving these cold, wet winter nights... especially now that it's weekend and time to spend our loved ones.

Knowing our boys are fast asleep, all warmly tucked into bed.  One very tired, little boy far away in dreamland and smelling so good.  Another young boy sleeping tightly tucked under the covers, dreaming of his new pet and pocket money to spend. Oldest enjoying the newness of being a teenager being able to stay up later and then tucking him under a duvet that barely cover his long legs.  I am so very blessed to have my boys all safely under our roof.

Enjoying a hot cup of coffee with my love and knowing how lovely it's going to be all cuddled up in bed in just a short while... bliss!!! 

Now to just get my bath water in and find my book... heaven